Rad Reading-January

For this month I read The Sorceress by Michael Scott, unfortunately I couldn’t quit finish all 488 pages but I did manage to read 475 of them so I think it’s close enough. This story is the third of a five book series which is about a set of twins who were born with incredible … [Read more…]

My Hero

My hero or someone who I look up to is Mr. Fresh. Obviously you probably don’t know who Mr. Fresh is so let me explain, as you know I go to a middle school and my previous vice principals name was the one the only, Mr. Fresh! One of the many reasons I loved him … [Read more…]


My teacher told me that for my New Years resolution I should choose one word an I chose patience. The reason why I chose this word is primarily because I don’t always have the patience to choose the best option, normally I just choose the first option like the first birthday card for my friend … [Read more…]